Stop Asking for Followers
Once again, I'm seeing business pages asking friends and family to follow them.
Please don't do this, it is counter-productive and will send the algorithm into a maelstrom!
The algorithm is actually a very simple entity. It works by placing content in front of an audience it deems to be most receptive and willing to engage positively with the business.
By asking friends and family to follow your page, the algorithm will be confused into thinking that this is the target audience, and will subsequently show content to these followers and not potential customers.
The best way to engage with potential buyers is to publish quality content which is completely relevant to them. Post regularly, tag other relevant businesses, and share with your local and/or national community. Keep on top of community and business pages, and react promptly whenever you see a question or comment relating to your business service.
This may seem a little daunting, which is why you might wish to consider the help of a marketing professional who can devote their time to ensuring the very best for your business.
If you would like to know more about my services, please do contact me.
07989 227130